Choose Your First Fitness Move

Finding the best guide to assist you on your fitness journey is challenging, as is staying on track, but Power & Strength are here to support you right now.

Our Programs

No matter where you are in the world, you can get a customized training program through Zoom or Skype with Coach Ramadan. You can get one-on-one or buddy sessions based on your level of fitness. Get a chance now to achieve your fitness goals.

Online Buddy Sessions

The experience is different when you and your lover participate in online sessions together. You can now try this.

Online One-on-One Sessions

Being anywhere in the world is not preventing you from attending your session; we are with you online. Set a goal and get started right now.

Online Training Programs

Determine your needs and the timelines for your goals, and we will guide you in adopting one of our programs (4 weeks, 8 weeks, 12 weeks, or 12 weeks if you are a bodybuilder). We give you a program that you can access wherever you are and whenever you want. Start now.

Online Training Programs (4 Weeks)

Home Course Title Is it possible to start noticing the effects of the online training program after four weeks?  The answer is obviously yes, as it depends on a fitness regimen tailored to your unique goals and outcomes, as well as a healthy diet. The package will include:  Customized nutrition plan is designed based on

Online Training Programs (8 Weeks)

Home Course Title The 8-week program offers you a push toward greater fitness without taking up a lot of time. Whether your goal is to look gorgeous in a swimsuit, have more energy for the longer days, or just feel better, you will obviously find it with Power & Strength. There has never been a

Online Training Programs (12 Weeks)

Home Course Title Building muscle or losing weight, whatever your goals, won’t happen overnight, but with Power & Strength, you will find the right fitness and nutrition regimen so you can start to see results in just a few months and gain advantages. The package will include:  Customized nutrition plan is designed based on your

Competitors 12 Weeks (Contest-Prep.)

Home Course Title If your dream is to become a champion but you’re unsure how to get there, Power & Strength can help. We’ll give you a complete program that requires a muscle workout, a nutrition plan, and supplements. The package will include: Customized nutrition plan is designed based on your current physique and your

Nutrition Plans

Whether you are an adult, man or woman, boy or girl; having a healthy lifestyle and paying attention to what you eat is some vital action you should build in your days. So we are going to support you in accomplishing it through two types of programs (6 weeks or 12 weeks). What are you waiting for?

Nutrition Plans (6 Weeks)

Home Course Title If you set a customized plan for your goal, you will need at least 6 weeks to see a good result, and that is exactly what we present for you in our academy. Along with keeping a check on you, we’ll also try to encourage you during this time. The package will

Nutrition Plans (12 Weeks)

Home Course Title At 12 weeks, we tailor a nutrition program for you based on your objectives and current physical state. Besides a workout plan to keep you strong and powerful. The package will include: Customized nutrition plan is designed based on your current physique and target goal Supplement plan if you need Work out

Power and Strength Courses Academy

Now our academy provides online and offline courses for you, whatever your field or need. Also, we schedule live sessions to be there for you in whatever condition you are in, to discuss your concerns, to follow up with you, and to encourage you to stay on track.

Offline Courses

If you are in Dubai, we have a variety of courses for you. Explore this right away.

Online Courses

Get a certificated online course in any field you desire. Discover right now what we have.